Friday, May 8, 2020

Article Writing - Writing a Conclusion

Article Writing - Writing a ConclusionWriting a conclusion is the last part of the text. It basically explains what you have written, how and why it was written, and what the writer will do next. It should be made interesting and should leave the reader wanting more. So much so that he/she will want to know more about the topic.The most common mistake with writing a conclusion is not making it interesting enough. A conclusion should leave the reader with an 'ah ha' moment, which leaves them wanting more, while also leaving them with a sense of satisfaction. But this can only be achieved if the reader does not feel bored or not inclined to continue reading.With the original title of the article, whether the conclusion is included or not, the writer is able to bring out the highlights. By that I mean the parts of the article that the readers like the most. If the conclusion is included in the body of the article, the reader will not see the highlights.Conclusions in articles are quite simple to write. The main idea is to get the point across without making the reader feel like he/she has read everything already. The less one needs to read to get the point, the less time and effort required to write a conclusion. Which means that the time it takes to write a conclusion is highly dependent on the length of the article.This means that you should make sure that the conclusion is presented with no wasted time, without having to read through an article that you can't stop yourself from finishing. By doing this, the reader is able to move on to the next topic without feeling bored. If the conclusion seems to be dragging on, then it might be that there is no need to include it. Try to cut some extraneous information such as that, or at least look for a different way to present the same idea.Another thing to consider when writing a conclusion is the type of material that you are writing about. Usually, there is only one way to conclude something, and that is by writing it as a separate paragraph. However, for non-fiction material, it can be very difficult to incorporate a concluding statement, unless it is so important that it needs to be included in the body of the article.So when writing a conclusion, make sure you write it in a clear and well-written manner. Do not try to convince the reader or make a point of it in your final paragraph, instead, just make sure that you close the article with a 'thank you' and a 'bless you.'Readers are more likely to read it as a whole, which is more likely to make them want to keep reading. And not necessarily the article that had the conclusion included, but the article that didn't.

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